Our Mission Statement:

Protecting your tomorrows so they are as secure as they are cherished.

People-centred. Not Profit-centred.

No investors who expect a profit.

Maple Mutual Insurance belongs to a network of more than 35 independent insurance companies who make up one of the strongest financial networks in the world, the Ontario Mutual Insurance Association.ontario mutuals

Mutual insurance companies have been – and still are – about people coming together to protect themselves in a common need.

  • We are people-centred, not profit-centred because there are no investors who expect a profit. Every policyholder is a member with a say. You will always be treated like a person, not a number. It’s not the way every insurance company does business, but it’s the Mutuals way.
  • Our Board of directors are policyholders…elected by policyholders like you.

Although we started out in 1910 as farm specialists, today we offer a full line of insurance for your Auto, Residential, Farm and Commercial needs. Each product is designed to protect you and your family.

Rooted in Your Community

Invest in local projects.

Support what matters to our policyholders.

The spirit of mutual insurance is woven into the fabric of every community.

Premiums stay where they do the most good — in your community.

With Mutuals, premiums stay in the community, employing neighbours, supporting the local economy and giving back. We invest in local projects and support what matters most to our policyholders. We’ve been buying local for generations, and community spirit has been part of our style for nearly 160 years.

Click here to read our history.

Recent Community Involvement

Own your Insurance Company

Profits are shared with eligible policyholders.

You are invited to own your own insurance company!

As a Maple Mutual Insurance policyholder, you own the insurance company. We promise that you will receive the best products and the best service at the lowest price…a promise kept.

Enjoy the benefit of belonging….

Share the benefit of belonging to our mutual insurance company where the profits are shared with eligible policy holders. The board of directors of Maple Mutual Insurance is committed to maintaining a strong surplus for your company. The board members follow a formula that determines premium refunds in a consistent and responsible manner. The formula is based on achieving an adequate return on the company surplus whether it is from underwriting or investment income. To the delight of our clients, Maple Mutual Insurance has given over $3 million back to their policyholders over the last 10 years”

In your Neighbourhood

Head office in Dresden. Agents throughout SW Ontario

Maple Mutual Insurance is one of Ontario’s 35 independent Mutual Insurance companies. It was founded in Wabash Ontario in 1910 and took its roots in offering fire insurance to farming clients. The company has remained strong throughout the years and although the roots are agricultural, today we offer a full range of home, auto, business and farm insurance. The main office is located in Dresden, Ontario, with agents available throughout southwestern Ontario. With a Mutual insurance company, your premiums stay in the community, employing neighbours, supporting the local economy and giving back. We invest in local projects and support what matters most to our policyholders. We’ve been “buying local” for generations and community spirit has been part of our style for more than 115 years. We celebrated our 100th Anniversary in 2010 and hosted several events for policyholders, including a sit down dinner at the AGM and an Open House to commemorate the century landmark. Throughout the anniversary year, the company donated $100,000.00 to organizations, service clubs and charitable causes within the communities of our policyholders.

Save Money!

Purchase these safety devices from Maple Mutual Insurance at or below cost:

Fire Extinguishers
Smoke Detectors
Carbon Monoxide Detectors
Sewer Sump Alarms

We do not charge our policyholders for these services:

Fire Extinguisher Exchange Program (for discharged extinguishers)